Confusion is not just a state of mind, it is a phase that we live through. Everyone around is trapped in the vicious circle of desire and ambition, for life is one and paths are many.

As mentioned by an african proverb,”If you wish to move mountains tomorrow, you must start by lifting stones today” The big picture as it might seem is very easy to build, but the stones that need to be lifted are heavy and dirty. As we live through life and its integrity, we are told to build that goal, that big picture, where we see ourselves in five years, the gap between now and tomorrow and about withering age and lost time. All this and more, creates that phase of confusion in us.

Obviously, living a life with a focused goal is not easy. One will be let down by influencers, pessimists, distractors and preachers. But in order to reach that destination, the stones that need to be lifted are necessary. Building a big picture does not make one successful but living a big picture does.

Every time we take a decision, we think a million times about how worth it is, how relevant would it be but as said by great philosophers, destiny plans a journey much before we do. Wrong decisions only make a man stronger and experienced, just as failure. A person who has never experienced a downfall, does not know the worth of success. And like a steep rise indicates a higher percentage, failure only makes the success journey more steeper.

In order to get through failure, motivation is essential. For it is easy to motivate others and spread the psychological knowledge but what is difficult is to motivate oneself. Look for stories where motivation has been the only power and you will realise how just a feeling can be everything you need. Every other being is likely to come and go, but what remains is our soul and our fire. Soul to love and fire to motivate.

There might be much hesitation but deciding on a path of happiness only leads a career forward.It is essential to find the Difference between a job and a career, for a job might just give you a means to live well but a career will give you the power to design your life well.

At every point in our life the big picture is what should guide us. No friends, no mates no influencers but the picture. Only when we see it everyday we would lit a fire within to achieve it. And as said the path might be many and some even rugged but if it enables you to be the hero of your big picture, it is worth it.

Only who feel their desire can never be led astray in the beautiful journey to success.


4 thoughts on “Hesitation to success

  1. Loving ur attitude of being so very clear and positive in life. ..ur articles have started getting better and better…my take away from ur read..
    *Every thing happens for a reason* beautiful line n so very true..


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